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My Opinion on Reconciliation: A Letter to my Pastor By Jonita Johnson

Letter written in April 2006, to Pastor Barron Miller of Cornwall Church at the Club in Bellingham, Washington.

Thanks Pastor Barron for lending me this book Divided By Faith. Im sure this has also sparked your writing creativity as it did mine. Sorry I kept it so long.

My Opinion on Reconciliation

Reconciliation - Returning to harmony; making compatible.

In the sense of this racial/cultural meaning, bringing a balance to the top-sided states of power is everyones responsibility.

Where there are inequities, I believe, they must be honestly and openly addressed by each of us. Will all people accept reconciliation? No. Yet, the subject cannot be put aside.

John Perkins states, Reconciliation is linked with two components: Relocation (moving to places of need), and redistribution (of talents, hopes, dreams, and materials). No one can relocate the talents and dreams of a people, but as a society we can acknowledge and make equal the materials, teachers and finances to see the growth of dreams and talents become reality.

One of the major areas I see a need to be reconciled is in the governments stance, societys responsibility, and the peoples dependence on the welfare system (another long paper).

I cannot make right slavery from yesterday, but I can make sure I have no support for any type of slavery today. I cannot make up for the monetary poverty that is formatted by the powerful to keep poor folks poor, no matter what color they are. But, I can speak up about the way systems such as welfare are set to keep people in bondage today.

Keeping people in bondage to a system of separation is a breeding ground for suspicion, hate and corruption. This happens not only in our governmental structure but also in our homes and churches.

I agree with Otis regarding our fallen nature, and that the race problem is a sin problem. The laws of this society are based on individuals coming together and bringing their own biases with them, and the majority is then able to put them into action or law. Though many of the founders of this country wrote and talked about equality, they were slave owners. No matter how good they were to their slaves, they still kept them in bondage, separated the family when it suited their business needs, and slept with the female children that captured their fancy.

The race problem is as large today as it was yesterday and the day before. Will it ever end? I dont think so, not until Jesus comes to collect His multi-colored, multi-cultural church. Will the race problem get worse? Probably.

But, I have a responsibility to love God enough to love the people He created. It is my responsibility to teach my children to love their neighbors as themselves. That means I have to encourage, teach and raise up my kids in the knowledge and love of God. I have the responsibility to teach my kids how to love and value themselves so they can love others. I have a responsibility to perform daily fruit checks on my life as in Galatians 5:22.

In what ways have I shown love today for and to God, myself and others?

Have I hurt anyone in word or deed? If so, I must make amends, then ask God for forgiveness.

Have my thoughts been evil, selfish, or full of jealousies? I must ask God for forgiveness. Sometimes if I admit theses thoughts that have not grown to action, I can make a situation worse that it needed to be. God can correct and heal my mind, and keep my heart teachable.

Have I lived in peace today in my mind and relationships with others?

Have I been long-suffering and tolerant, or have I been judgmental?

Have I been gentle and meek, or have I been crude and rude?

Have I been faithful today to: myself; my commitments; my relationships, and to my job?

I am convinced that the church setting is one of the most powerful tools we have available to get Gods message of love for each other to the masses. I believe, that as we are taught in our churches and see the actions of our spiritual leaders, the love of God for all His creations, that will be in turn taught in our families (1st learned community), then in our schools, workplaces, clubs and organizations and brought into our government.

I do believe we, today, can begin to live what God intended through Jesus coming to earth Glory to God in the highest, peace and goodwill to man. When we accept and value each others ethnic and cultural differences we glorify God. Im thankful He didnt make any clones.

As a Black woman I will always be drawn to the beat of the drums, a shout when Im happy, the soul stirrin rhythm of gospel and blues, cornbread, chittlins and collard greens, a lap full of babies, loud all nighters when the family gets together, getting funky dancing to the Electric slide, and dressing up on Sunday morning in my finest because I have an appointment, an audience with the King of Kings.

I thank God that He gave us all differences that we can learn to appreciate, like sauerkraut, and cucumber sandwiches, contemporary music and country too; skin-tones that vary from the lightest of creams to the darkest of chocolates; personalities from the quietest to loud and blustery. God loves variety.

Everyday I have a responsibility to walk as a child of God. In doing this I respect myself, others and honor Jesus Christ. If my voice can influence one or many to the love that God has for all people, I will never shut my mouth. But, I cannot go back into history and make the innocent descendants continue to repent for the sins of their ancestors. Though we can never forget the lessons of history, lest we return.

The Bible says in Ezekiel 18:18-20, the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither the father for the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked on him. Thats for me is good enough.

The question for me is: Am I doing my part in not sinning against by neighbor? Am I living to honor and glorify God in honoring His creation? I have forgiven so I can also be forgiven.

Jonita (Jay) lives in Bellingham, Washington, where she is a Group Life Counselor to teens addicted to chemicals. Shes a mom and grandma, who is active in church and community. Jays heart work is street ministry, writing, singing, and speaking about Gods Word to us today. She is the author of Meet Me At the Cross, One Womans Testimony, and is currently finishing a novel, Menes Story: Lord Take Me Back. Jay has written numerous Christian articles and poetry. Her recent article Fighting Fear and Depression Through Praise has been accepted by the magazine, Just Between Us, for women with a heart for ministry. Through her business, Jays GoodNews Crafts & Things, she makes jewelry, blankets, and three flavors of hot & spicy BBQ Sauce.

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